Safety Measures the Best Taxi Service in Melbourne Would Take Against COVID 19

The current pandemic triggered by the Novel Coronavirus or COVID 19 has taken a mammoth toll on the economies all over the world. Australia is no exception. Businesses have come to almost standstill and it is the transport industry, which is amongst the ones that are worst hit. Yet, some private taxi service providers are still operating cabs in Melbourne , albeit in restricted numbers. Now the drivers of these cabs are taking utmost care to minimize the risk of being infected by the virus. In the process, they are also ensuring the safety of their passengers. Here are some of the safety measures they are taking. Use of masks and disposable gloves Firstly, they are not allowing more than a single passenger in a cab to ensure that social distancing is maintained. They would not handle the bags and luggage of the passengers to minimise the contacts. They are using masks and while handling money they are using disposable gloves and getting rid of them at proper places and using...